Japan is the world's leading country for child porn (manga art)
Comic books are more acceptable in Japan, not as much for kids anymore
in 2007 Manga turned over 3.6 billion
typically they are the average size of a yellow pages!?!
They are mainly printed in black and white because it's cheaper
Open from back
Managa literally means whimsical pictures
Explosion of creativity; OsamuTezuka
Boys and young men became majority of readers
1969, different female artists arrived, created Shouji, emotionally intense narrative
Often Shoujo, saw women working together, girl power, on a journey
Shounen for boys up to 18, gross human and horror, explicit sexuality (group sex and even rape)
Roles of girls and women in Manga, evolved over time. Often pretty, young girls (beishojo) Heavily armed female warriors (sento beishojo)
In america Manga has become very popular in America
Manga sales in the US have tripled 2000-2005
Gekiga - dark, violent and grim realities of life (stories written about people living in poverty etc.) They were dissatisfied with the manga porn
80s and 90s comics e.g. Posemon, Dragon Ball Z and Akira made their debut (verrrry successful)
In Japan the Manga fortunes are sagging for lots of reasons
- Cheaper on Internet
- Other ways to get them (download illegally)
- Fans making their own
- Anime which means you can just watch it
- They have simply become less popular
- For ethical reasons